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New Book Coming May 2024!

I’m excited to announce a new book MY WIFE AND I (yes you read me right) are writing together. We are approaching this as we disciple our kids in everyday settings at the kitchen table, before bed, etc. with about 90 topics we think every parent should teach/model/disciple with their […]

Write Your Obituary

What if you woke up this morning, sat down at the kitchen table with your breakfast, opened up the local newspaper, and read your obituary? That’s right, you died! What would that obituary say about the life you lived? This happened to Alfred Nobel. We all know him for his […]

Spiritual Blessings

Blessing from Jesus is about so much more than money. Do you think, as a Christian, you have been blessed? What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think or hear the word “blessed”? Is it money or material blessing? There are so many blessings we as […]

Lord, Make Us One

“I” divides UNITY.It will in church.It will in family.It will in marriage.It will in everything.It always will. Humility is needed.Serve one another.Extend grace and mercy.Be quick to forgive.Crucify the flesh.Submit to God.Resist the devil.Only Jesus makes us one! Pray and practice this prayer of Jesus:“Lord, make us one as you […]

Beautiful, Yet Broken

Once in a college Bible class, I remember observing some ancient broken pottery discovered in an archaeological dig.  These pieces used to be whole useful pots and vessels, but now they were in shambles.  However, the professor had one whole pot that was reassembled from several shards of pottery.  While it was old […]

Reconcilable Differences

I hate to see marriages end…especially ones where I preached the ceremony. I still call marriage holy matrimony. Most marriages end with these two words: “irreconcilable differences.” Anything, it seems, is grounds for divorce these days. I know of a couple that divorced over a cheeseburger. Yes, a cheeseburger. The […]

Donuts = Love

Donuts are a universal sign of friendship, at least I think so. They can break down walls of division, create fast friendships, and strengthen good relationships. Well, they may not be miracle workers, but a good éclair sugar high can do wonders. I’ve given donuts to road construction workers, random […]

The Gospel and Repentance

“Repentance isn’t crying; repentance is changing.” David’s sin of adultery and murder needed something the world doesn’t offer. It needed repentance met with forgiveness. That is the goodness of the gospel. Sin would leave us hopeless, but Christ leaves us hopeful! I don’t want shallow, surface, worldly sorrow. I want […]

Truth = Scripture

Would you do evil as long as the outcome benefits others? Would you lie as long as it protects someone you love? Are some actions only wrong if there is a bad outcome or are they always wrong regardless of the outcome? Christianity is based on principles found in Scripture. […]

What Color was Jesus?

Perhaps this is a question to which you’ve never given much thought. Maybe this causes you to think even further back to the beginning of time: what color were Adam and Eve? For them, there’s no way to biblically support your answer, whatever guess you make. But what about Jesus? […]